The bloated abdomen was lowering between her thighs, pulsing more excitedly when it felt her warmth close to it
. It took a good long time, but Vanessa was a stubborn woman, her mind piecing back together from such a savage rape, face twisting into a snarl.
. As inch after inch invaded my ass I began to feel very full and my stomach began to cramp, the pain had gone from sharp to a dull cramping pain; I felt like I needed to take a dump and wanted to tell him but was having trouble forming words. ” I was not about to argue at this point; I used some of the KY and spread it onto and into his asshole
The bloated abdomen was lowering between her thighs, pulsing more excitedly when it felt her warmth close to it
. It took a good long time, but Vanessa was a stubborn woman, her mind piecing back together from such a savage rape, face twisting into a snarl.
. As inch after inch invaded my ass I began to feel very full and my stomach began to cramp, the pain had gone from sharp to a dull cramping pain; I felt like I needed to take a dump and wanted to tell him but was having trouble forming words. ” I was not about to argue at this point; I used some of the KY and spread it onto and into his asshole
The bloated abdomen was lowering between her thighs, pulsing more excitedly when it felt her warmth close to it
. It took a good long time, but Vanessa was a stubborn woman, her mind piecing back together from such a savage rape, face twisting into a snarl.
. As inch after inch invaded my ass I began to feel very full and my stomach began to cramp, the pain had gone from sharp to a dull cramping pain; I felt like I needed to take a dump and wanted to tell him but was having trouble forming words. ” I was not about to argue at this point; I used some of the KY and spread it onto and into his asshole